Jonah Chapter 3
Chapter 3 is a sort of re-telling of chapter 1. Both begin in the exact same way and progress with a number of similar themes and patters. With this kind of story telling, much is communicated in the differences rather than in the similarities. Take note of the differences and try to see what the author is trying to communicate through them.
Jonah Chapter 2
Jonah chapter two quotes heavily from the Psalms, and in doing so it subversively instructs its reader how to turn back to and cry out to God, while also reminding the reader of the faithfulness of God to those who seek him.
Jonah Chapter 1
The book of Jonah is a remarkable short story about a prophet of God who becomes the greatest obstacle to the plans and purposes of God for redemption.
The Most Wonderful Time
Merry Christmas everyone! Anna and I are both so loving the cooler Florida weather, Christmas lights, hot cocoa, and the time with family that happens this time of year.
Change of Season (and other things)
Greetings! Fall has come upon us, and the year is rushing by. September was a whirlwind for the Mull family.
Hurricanes and Hallelujahs
Hello friends! September is here and we in Florida have survived our first major hurricane of the season. We are thanking God that our area received minimal damage from Hurricane Idalia
Summer Chill
Greetings! It’s hard to believe summer is already at an end and we have arrived at the second half of 2023.
Catching the Vision
Hello friends and partners! We hope you all had an enjoyable Independence Day.
It’s Official
This is our first newsletter as official Wycliffe Bible Translator missionaries.
Ready to Engage
We are gearing up for our first orientation. This one is with Wycliffe who we will be official missionaries with. Now I know you may have the question of “wait I thought you were joining Jaars?”
Ready! Set! Wait…
You know those times in life when on one hand everything is changing and at the same time everything feels the same? The past few months have been a little like that on our journey towards missions
Another New Journey!
I know holidays are normally busy but this one has seemed extra busy.
A full circle moment!
December 7th. That's the day we will be back at JAARS for my Technical Evaluation. I swear I'll blink and find myself in the car already on my way there. We are excited to be going back soon to see our new friends at headquarters.
To Headquarters We Go!
I looked over at my wife in the passenger seat and said, "You ready for an adventure cause I don’t know where I am going."
The First One
David Livingstone, Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, George Muller; these were some of the names I heard used in the church growing up. Each of these men were held up as examples of those who really got it, who were totally sold out for God and who accepted the most honorable vocation among Christians. I don’t know if I ever heard it said outright, but culturally it was understood that if you were a pastor, missionary, or worked for a para-church organization, then you were a better Christian than those who worked in “secular” vocations.