Giving Thanks

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I know that for many people Christmas season begins when November does, however for the Mull family, Thanksgiving is the November holiday and for those of you who disagree we Hope you forgive us. We love taking this time of year to give thanks for all that God has done, and this year the list is overwhelming. A few highlights are joining the Wycliffe team, seeing God provide housing, finances, and every other need as we transition from full-time work to full-time ministry, and ALL the prayers, encouragement, giving and celebrating we have received from you over the year! Philip also complete the book he has been writing for the past year and a half. For those of you who are financial partner, (spoiler alert) we are sending a pre release copy one your way as a thank you gift. For anyone else who would like to read it when it goes live on the 19th, you can visit our website or click the button below.


We would like to take a moment to thank God for all that he has done in giving the world access to his word. As of September 2023, there are full Bible translations in 736 languages, and 3,658 languages with some scripture. There are only 1320 languages left without any scripture. To give you some perspective on how much change there has been, in the past year there have been 12 new Bible dedications, and 69 translation project started. God is on the move and we are so excited to be a part of it. For more Bible statistics visit the website below.

Prayer Needs

  • Pray for our team of financial partners to increase so that we can begin field work! 

  • Pray that the short time we have left here in Tampa would be filled with what the Lord has for us. 

  • Pray that the work of translation would continue to advance.


The Most Wonderful Time


Change of Season (and other things)