Change of Season (and other things)

Greetings! Fall has come upon us, and the year is rushing by. September was a whirlwind for the Mull family. We were privileged with several meetings with groups within and outside of our sending church, which included dear friends and also new acquaintances. In the midst of that, we decided to move out of our little home of almost 4 years and move in with Philip’s parents (the details of which we talk about in our podcast)) for the rest of the year. We are excited to be close to family in the Brandon area for our last few months before moving to Ocala with Anna’s parents, then on to JAARS HQ in North Carolina. We are so thankful for your partnership in praying, giving, and advocating for us as God moves us slowly but surely to the missions field. His timing is perfect and He is faithful in the changes  

He is Faithful to Bring to Completion

Sometimes God’s plan involves many, many years between first call and the fruition of the work. The Isnag people of the Philippines received a Wycliffe missionary in 1956 to begin translation work in their language. The journey to the completed Isnag Bible would be 66 years, involving the “yes” of many people as God called, moved, and changed human plans to accomplish His own. Rudy Barlaan had gone to the village of Dibagat for a year of language training, but God called him to work full time with Wycliffe missionary Dick Roe to translate the New Testament into Isnag, completed in 1982. Because of need and capacity within SIL Philippines, the strategy at the time was to stop translation at the New Testament, but God had other plans. He provided the needed translator to to join the team, Mark Pugyao, who would complete the Old Testament. This summer, June 25, 2023, the complete Isnag Bible was dedicated. “The Lord works everything out for us. Everything He does is for His own glory and His name’s sake. We obey Him, and so His plan always gets carried out.” -Rudy Barlaan


Prayer Points 

-Pray for us as we settle into a new space and prepare to move again!

-Pray for God’s provision of 100% of our mission’s budget!

-Pray for the Isnag church as they grow in the Word!


Giving Thanks


Hurricanes and Hallelujahs