Prayer Requests


The Lord is blessing Anna and I by giving us our first child. Please pray that our child would be healthy and that we would raise them well.


The only limiting factor of our move to North Carolina is us reaching the monthly budget that Wycliffe set for us. Please pray that the Lord would match us with the right partners who will support this ministry.


Anna and I will be moving several time to multiple states within the next year. These transitions are both  exciting and in some ways daunting. Please pray that we will maintain the rhythms of family connection, intentional communion with the Lord, and peace during this dynamic season.


As Anna and I move we will be leaving our church community, our friends, and our family. Please pray that the Lord would place us in the community he wants for us during this season


It can be very tempting to be content doing our assigned job within the organization, yet we desire to minister to and engage the world around us. Please pray that the Lord would continue to show us his heart for those around us and that we would be intentional in obedience to him.