Jonah Chapter 4
Jonah chapter 4 is a beautiful conclusion to the short story of Jonah. This chapter contains the reason for Jonahs fleeing, and the true heart of God.
Jonah Chapter 3
Chapter 3 is a sort of re-telling of chapter 1. Both begin in the exact same way and progress with a number of similar themes and patters. With this kind of story telling, much is communicated in the differences rather than in the similarities. Take note of the differences and try to see what the author is trying to communicate through them.
Jonah Chapter 2
Jonah chapter two quotes heavily from the Psalms, and in doing so it subversively instructs its reader how to turn back to and cry out to God, while also reminding the reader of the faithfulness of God to those who seek him.
Jonah Chapter 1
The book of Jonah is a remarkable short story about a prophet of God who becomes the greatest obstacle to the plans and purposes of God for redemption.