Fully Funded!!

We are very excited to announce to you all that, through the provision of our God and the participation of his people, we have 100% of our ministry budget met and are fully able to start our JAARS assignment!!! We are officially moving at the end of August and will begin training and serving at JAARS headquarters starting in September! We cannot adequately express in words how grateful and humbled we are to have such an amazing community of friends and family standing with us as we enter this next phase of our ministry. We are so thankful for each of you and  for your partnership. 

We desire to stay connected with you in this season, so we will continue to post regular updates through this newsletter and via podcast. We also welcome direct connection through email or phone. We are excited for what the Lord will do and for what we will get to share with you all in the coming months, yet we anticipate a lot of adjustment and even grief as we say goodbye to our family and friends in Florida. Neither of us could have imagined at the beginning of the month how the Lord was going to get us here, and we are still blown away by His abundant faithfulness, so we are confident He will give us all we need in the way of community, connection, and comfort in the newness.  When He calls, He provides. Every time.

August will be a busy month of packing and goodbyes for the Mull family. We have been combing through our house, figuring out what we want to keep and what will actually fit in our new home on wheels. If anyone has any pro tips on minimalist living and organization in small spaces, please share! We’re gonna need it.

We are ecstatic to be able to share this update with you, and we thank you for your part in this grand adventure of life with the Lord! 

Prayer Points

  • PRAISE GOD for bringing us to 100% and for clearance to start at JAARS

  • Please pray that we would finish our time in Florida  well

  • Please pray that we would be ready to begin this next phase of our journey


We’ve Arrived


JAARS Assisted Take-off