A Time to Rest

Hello everyone! Is it really June? The month of May has simultaneously flown and inched by for the Mulls. We have had a relatively quiet month adjusting to life as a family of three. Malachi has been such a joy and blessing to our lives already in the short month since he’s been born. God has given us space to breathe and rest as we enjoy the beginning of this new chapter. It is so easy to get caught up in the activity and focused on the progress of our lives that we struggle to appreciate the slowdown as a good thing from a good Father. We rail against the pause as if it were a barrier to our movement, when really if we want to maintain the longevity of our work, we need to rest! And what better way to rest than with a baby you have to feed every two hours around the clock? But even though we have not had many partnership development meetings or Bible Translation presentations, Philip has been keeping himself busy rebuilding the floor in our RV, teaching at a youth group, and creating some new media content which will be coming out while we are busy at our month-long Intercultural Communications Course (ICC) training in July. Stay tuned! 

Thank you to all of you who have been praying for us, for our son, and for our ministry. We are so blessed!

Pray for Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is one of the most linguistically diverse countries in the world and remains one of the highest priorities for Bible translation. God is on the move, and His word is unifying the people groups of Papua New Guinea. The Northeast Cluster people groups have historically been at odds with one another, but through the work of the Holy Spirit the translation teams of these languages have been working together to translate the Old Testament into the four languages represented in this Northeast Cluster! All of the teams have made progress in their projects and the people of these language groups can now grow in their knowledge of God through the Old Testament stories presented in a way they clearly understand! let us thank the Lord for His work and His care for the people of this country.

Read more about translation progress in PNG here: https://wycliffe.org/prayer/articles/praying-for-papua-new-guinea-and-the-northeast-cluster 

Prayer Points

  • Pray for the people of PNG, and for the rescue efforts taking place around Mount Mongalo.

  • Pray for the translation efforts taking place in PNG, for the teams, and for the people receiving God’s word in their languages!

  • Pray for us as we prepare for ICC and continue to move toward 100% of our ministry budget!


Big Change, BIg Opportunity


The Duality of Power.